Fun Friday Resources

Here’s something useless: The Glitch Gallery, a collection of imagery resulting from errors in code/processing/etc. Each example, if you click on it, comes with an explanation of what the user was trying to do and what went wrong.

If you have ever wondered which mushrooms you should be finding in order to dye your RennFest cosplay peasant shirt — and who among us has not? — then you definitely need the Mushroom Color Atlas. It is a wonderfully detailed nerd-out!

Full disclosure: I have not yet tried this website, so I cannot personally vouch for it, but I know I have photos and scans from decades ago that are not up to current standards (Apple QuickTake camera, anyone?) and if this works, I’ll be using it a lot.

Public Work is a search engine for public domain content; you can explore 100,000+ copyright-free images from The MET, New York Public Library, and other sources — and the interface is stunning, if a bit slippery. It allows you to download the image, click through to the host website, etc.