The March from the Dark Side (formerly known as the Wilder Mann March) is a performance art project for Alchemy burn that premiered in 2022. This page serves as the central information depot for the event.
What is this?
Burners will construct Wilder Mann costumes either on their own or at workshops to be announced. On the night of the burn, we will gather at one spot in the burn and make our way as a parade to the Effigy, before Conclave begins its performance, accompanied by drummers and other noisemakers.
What is a “Wilder Mann”?
It’s a folk tradition in many places in Europe. The function of the Wilder Mann varies from place to place, but mostly they seem to serve as a convenient bogey man to celebrate the society’s fears and its triumph over them. The costumes, as you see here, vary greatly in materials, complexity, and style. We will use this tradition as a model for our own ritual.
For a great look at them, check out Charles Freger’s book of the same name (which frankly inspired this project). You should also check out the mask work of artist Jym Davis at
Sign up to participate or just to be kept in the loop. You might also want to join the Facebook group.
Who should sign up?
Wilder Mann marchers
other soundmakers (bells, shofars, vuvuzuelas, rattles, etc)
Other resources
A similar thing at Electric Forest [Tiktok video]
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