Fun Friday Resources
/It’s been a few years since we looked at the BBC Sound Effects archive — and it’s grown exponentially. Go check it out; maybe that sound of a Norwegian Blue parrot expiring that wasn’t there before is now. The “female reindeer grunting close up” certainly is.
The Japanese design firm Marimekko has created a “Maripedia” of their patterns, a phenomenal collection of just over eight decades of design. You can filter by designer, style, or decade. A great resource to STEAL FROM THE BEST, i.e., look at the ways their designers used the space, then use those same techniques and strategies in your own work.
You need a high-quality illustration of mushrooms, right? had a feature on an obscure 20th-c. German artist named Hans Walty whose watercolors were apparently the resource on mycology for a great deal of the century. The originals are at Wikipedia Commons.
Finally, something just for fun: It does exactly what it says in the name: you give it some parameters, click the button, and presto, a maze to keep your inner child busy for a few moments.