/I’ve written before about “turning of the tide” in the creative process, but mostly about the ebbing of the tide, i.e., after you’ve ABANDONED a project to its AUDIENCE and you’re twiddling your thumbs because nothing is calling to you.
Today, though, I am pleased to announce that the rare rising tide is beginning to catch up with me.
I’m still waiting to hear back from a couple of (major) organizations I’ve asked to meet with to con them urge them to become a part of the world premiere of William Blake’s Inn. (I’ll nudge one of them again this morning.)
I recently read a script of a new play, one that’s getting a lot of buzz, and I’m pretty sure I will be directing an actor I’ve always wanted to work with in this one-hander one act sometime this year. Details soon.
And in a conversation with a burner friend, I had a vision for an art piece for the burn. We were discussing a particular trauma they had endured in their past, and I asked if they had ever tried to find/contact the perpetrator. They had not — and in my head there came an image of pine saplings, 5–6-foot pieces, sharpened at either end like toothpicks, arranged in rows like palisades, and multiple palisades arranged in some menacing maw kind of configuration.
In other words, it should give off predator vibes.
Art burns at Alchemy, oct 2023
Burners would be invited to write something about their particular trauma/shadow, fold it up, and then drive it between the saplings with wooden wedges left over from the sharpening. As the burn went on, the fearful monster of the sculpture would be overwhelmed with “slings and arrows,” and on Sunday afternoon, we burn it.
Because what else will I have to do in September and October of this year, right?
I’ll keep you posted.