/Believe it or not, this is after I tidied up.
You know how it is: You’re twiddling your thumbs, frustrated at the amount of work you’re not producing, when suddenly it occurs to you what the problem is — your desk/studio/workshop/toolshed is a mess, and it is completely necessary to stop doing nothing on those projects that you’re doing nothing on* and turn your attention to this now-most-important project.
The problem, as I discovered just now, is that when you excavate your desk/studio/workshop/toolshed, you risk uncovering all those projects you started and set aside to work on something else in a fit of TASK AVOIDANCE.
To wit:
The 50 Postcard Project (which now has nearly 60 postcards), in which I create postcard-sized pieces of art with some kind of Lichtenbergian message and post them randomly to Mastodon.
This one never had a name; that striking image that looks like the Eye of Horus, kind of, made of red jasper, came to me in a meditation, and this notebook was my attempt to unpack why I got that image. (I have not solved that yet; more work is required, as we say in the Lichtenbergian Society.)
Ah, the William Blake’s Inn visualization notebook! I started getting ideas out of the back of my head [see shinyperfect] and out into the known universe of what a staged production of my William Blake’s Inn might look like. I got the opening number done, and then began working on some architectural renderings to start getting a feel for what the Inn itself might look like, and then… #CrasMeliorEst.
This is a fun one: It’s a small sketchbook I picked up either at MOMA or the High, and my plan to was make a small pencil drawing every morning until it was filled. I managed to make it four months before stopping, and I have no clear memory of why I stopped.
Finally, a lizard I began painting a couple of years ago. I got the basic structure down, but it’s the filling in of all those blank spaces that has me stymied. (At least in looking at it today I had an idea for how to proceed on that bit…)
N.B.: These are only the projects I uncovered on my art desk. This does not include all the project lurking elsewhere in my study, on the desk, on the shelves, on the floor. In my head.
*For example, the GALAXY Soundtrack Project. I really need to write that up and post it.