Fun Friday Resources
/It’s time for a couple of blasts from the past!
First, a resource we’ve featured before, but it’s worth sharing again, from the Internet Archives: the 78rpm Records Digitized collection. Where else will you hear the “Anoka Polka” by the Potato Bugs?
(Make sure you check out the flip side: “Sweet Potato Bug.”
There are of course tons more options if novelty polka acts are not your thing.
An Edison phonograph with cylinders
Before 78rpm records, of course, there were cylinders, the earliest sound recording medium, and the University of California at Santa Barbara has got you covered with their USCB Cylinder Audio Archive.
You can search for specific topics/titles/artists. You can look through their curated playlists. You can browse by genre, instruments, topical subject, or ethnicity.
Where else are you going find a whole collection of yodeling? I mean, just give a listen to “Lauterbach and Hi-le Hi-lo.” You know you want to.
Meanwhile, the Smithsonian Institution has made available millions of images, both 2D and 3D, available for STEALING FROM THE BEST. They also have a ton of tools for using said images.
And just for fun: Random Street View, from all over the world.
New zealand, outside of wellington