Fun Friday Resources

Welcome back to Fun Friday Resources! Let’s start off with an artist’s work that is both charming and weird: Isabel Reitemeyer’s collages are simple, just one clip of an animal superimposed on another, but they are neither kitschy or glib. (The technique is certainly open for STEALING FROM THE BEST.)

The Netherlands Bach Society has decided it is going to post performances of All of Bach. Every single note — what a gift to the world! Have a Brandenburg No. 3, or a “Wachet Auf” (Cantata No. 140), or a Ricercar a 6 from the Musical Offering. Along with the video, you get all the historical data and some context for where/when/why Bach wrote the piece. It’s an amazing site.

The internet is a weird place. Here’s a site that will show you video streams that nobody on earth is watching. That’s right up there with

The internet is a helpful place. One Mind PsyberGuide reviews mental health apps across a broad range of issues. Worth a shot, right?

The internet is a silly place.