Updates & an offer
/We’ll get to today’s astounding offer in just a moment. First, there are a couple of updates to share.
The fence art project? Done. ABANDONED.
I haven’t had an opportunity to hang the panels on the fence because a) it’s been raining; and b) it’s brutally hot and humid out there. I’ll try to get that done today to get a photo.
Yesterday the production team of The GALAXY Project met for the first time, and we were super productive: We got the cabling/EL wire cut for the entire project, stripped an unbelievable number of wires, soldered and shrink-wrapped loops — chief engineer Turff says we nearly got Zone 2 completed! (Thanks to Jules and Kevin for being there!)
Turff showing me the additional 100 ft of EL wire after I thought we had run out with only one more batch to do.
And thanks to Kim Ramey and Backstreet Arts for allowing us to use the studio!
And now, the offer you’ve been waiting for! As you know, I have finished writing, editing, designing, and laying out Lichtenbergianism for Kids. I’m now waiting for my publisher to get back with me with the final details. (I still have to design the cover and get a Foreword written.)
In the meantime, I’d like for those who have an interest to do so, to read what I have so far and offer comments/corrections/questions. I’ll be engaging the Lichtenbergians, but it would be nice to have some readers who are not my best friends — not that that is any protection from criticism, of course.
Here’s how it works:
You email me and ask.
I send you the first of six short (<20 pages) pieces of the book.
Read it, enjoy it, hate it, make notes, send me feedback.
When you send me feedback, I’ll send you the next bit.
Email me here. And thanks in advance.