Onward, I guess...

You may recall that my attempts to ABORTIVE ATTEMPT the design of Lichtenbergianism for Kids had been stopped cold by the fact that my recently acquired layout software, Affinity Publisher, through no real fault of its own, was literally unable to lay out my text, since it does not (yet?) automatically handle footnotes from a Word document.

So I did it: I ponied up for a year’s subscription to Adobe’s InDesign, a program I have used since it was Aldus PageMaker 1.0 but for which I no longer have a daily need. I have strong objections to the whole “you’re just renting it from us” techno-capitalism thing, whether it’s streaming music or tractor repair or software ‘subscriptions,’ but I truly didn’t see any other way to move forward with Kids without it.

Did it immediately provide me with a way forward? This is the part where we throw our heads back and laugh.

Of course not. I had decided a priori that Kids should be smaller than Lichtenbergianism (which is 8.5x8.5), more like 5.5x8.0, but even an ABORTIVE ATTEMPT was enough to show me that that size was not going to be big enough to display illustrations comfortably.

Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 9.41.00 AM.png

So next I guess I’ll bump it up to something like 7x9 and see if that’s better. I need to check with my publisher to see if that’s even a size.

In the meantime, spring calls. Both the labyrinth refurbishment and the fence art project need attention. Do like me if you can: go play.