A Challenge: Find a problem for this solution
/Backstreet Community Arts is closed this week for the holiday, so no lantern decorating workshop this week, but I brought home a solution in search of a problem that I need to work on in the interim.
Backstreet is often the beneficiary of someone cleaning out a house; people who know about the studio realize that all of Aunt Mary’s art supplies can be put to use. (Full disclosure: I have a lot in common with Aunt Mary. Backstreet is going to rack up when I kick the bucket.)
This is a 14x17 pad. There were even more 19x24 pads. We’re talking a lot of big paper we’re not used to using.
This particular bequest/dump included more pads of 100% rag translucent marker paper than I’ve seen even in stores. (Aunt Mary was the founder of a college art department and probably ordered in bulk.) It’s good stuff, but not a usual choice at a studio that focuses more on painting. So I volunteered to take a pad and play with it and come up with ideas on how to use it.
I’ll keep you posted.
Also, remember that the gift-giving season is upon us. Sure, you’ve given the book, but have you given the mug or a t-shirt? Or other random designs on a multitude of items?