I got nothin...
/The labyrinth in autumn.
Well, here we are. The Tour of Homes was Friday afternoon, and the tour-ers were delighted and/or impressed with the labyrinth. Alchemy of course is not next weekend, or else I would be packing even as we speak (after having directed a team in laying out the burn on Saturday and Sunday). Lichtenbergianism for Kids is sitting there, waiting for feedback. I’ve finished all my bits for the GALAXY Project. As You Like It is defunct. Unsilent Night Newnan doesn’t start until the lantern workshops in November.
And I have nothing else. I can blame some of this situation on not having access to my study — Daikin, if your technician can’t get the thing to work, isn’t it time to replace the unit? — but nothing is tugging at my consciousness to be born anyway.
I haven’t been a creator for this long (and written a book about it) without knowing that this is natural and normal. But it’s still annoying.
For this blog, I can retrench and write generic posts about generic creative issues — hey, kind of like this one! — until some THING THAT IS NOT bubbles to the surface and demands to be brought into existence. Otherwise, I have a huge stack of books that I can read, should read.
But it’s still worrisome.