Fun Friday Resources
/In keeping with Monday’s confession that I have found a system of productivity helpful, here are two blogposts that I thought were interesting and am sharing because their overall attitudes are correct. I found myself — as I tend to do — matching up the 9 Precepts to the ideas in the posts.
This photo of Grand Canyon (from our trip in 2019) has nothing to do with this post, but I needed an image and this is my favorite place on earth other than my own back yard.
The first post is actually a sales pitch for consultant Leo Babauta’s workshop, Fearless Mastery. He asked for thoughts from recent participants about their biggest lessons learned. The responses make for an interesting set of precepts to consider: 14 Lessons Learned from Fearless Mastery. Even though these blurbs are about direct personal experiences in the workshop, you can recognize/look for the settings for those experiences in your own life.
(Or you could, you know, actually sign up for the workshop. If you do that, report back.)
The second is a thoughtful essay from software developer Endy Austin posting on Even though his focus is on other coders and managing their productivity/procrastination issues, i.e., actually producing stuff, there’s a lot for us Lichtenbergians to recognize and to consider. How to Get Things Done: Lessons in Productivity.
Just came across this this morning: Mon, Feb 1, is the start of Steve Chapman’s annual #WTFeb — a day-by-day series of art challenges to bring some creative silliness to the most tedious of months. I don’t know that I can sustain that kind of deliberate throwaway energy for every single day, but that’s because I am a coward. You may find it invigorating. At least go and look.