Uncovering work

If, like me, you are self-isolating during the Covid-19 pandemic, you are probably also amusing yourself by cleaning up some of those piles of things that should perhaps never been piled.

So far, I’ve tidied up

  • my desk (a 4x8 oaken library table)

  • my drafting table

  • a pile of stuff by the drafting table

  • my electronics drawer

I’m pretty sure that in the tidying process you, like me, have uncovered projects that have been de facto ABANDONED. That is, you never meant to stop working on them, but somehow they got covered by the tide of concurrent projects and you never went back to them.

Here’s what I’ve found.

First of all: Titian, what the hell?


I clipped this from the New York Times twelve years ago because it struck me as weirdly pervie. I don’t know what I intended to write about it, but it has hung around my desk for all that time.

Four years ago I began sketching ideas for what a production of William Blake’s Inn might look like. I got the Prelude done.

Here’s the music for that:

"Prelude" from Wiliam Blake's Inn

Another notebook I rediscovered was an examination of an image that came to me once in a meditation:

Perhaps I’ll include this as part of my equinoctial meditations on Friday.

There’s always music.

ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS for Seven Dreams of Falling

ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS for Seven Dreams of Falling

And finally, there was this:


The wooden thingie is an old Singer sewing machine kit: it originally held attachments and tools for your machine, and it rolled up into a cool little wooden box. I found it at a junk shop and decided that it would make an excellent stage for some kind of assemblage, specifically using all the little pieces of stuff that I’ve picked up, sometimes literally from the ground.

So yes, I have plenty to keep me occupied during the Captivity. Let’s see how much I actually accomplish. (Spoiler alert: my Captivity is not at all different than regular life, so that’s how much I will actually accomplish.)