Fun Friday Resources
/0x015c09 from EveryColorBot
If you’re on Twitter, first of all follow me: @lichtenbergian, but second of all, follow @EveryColorBot for a delightful break in your doomscrolling. This automated account randomly generates RGB color codes, creates a block (as seen on the left), and tweets it out to the universe.
And that’s it: no message, no snark, just a block of pure color. You’ll be scrolling along, and suddenly there’s this little patch of no-content. It’s lovely.
Soundfly offers courses on a wide array of music production. Many are “premium,” but there are free ones to try, like Demystifying Synths, Any Sound Will Do, even How To Read Music.
Public Domain Review has a great collection of engravings of musical instruments from 1722 in Filippo Buonanni's Harmonic Cabinet. Fun for art projects.
Also fun, as the holiday season slouches towards us: Christmas Catalogs & Holiday Wishbooks. Barebones, almost Web 1.0 in its look, it contains 220 vintage catalogs with 183,000 images. They seem to have disabled right-clicking on the images (with no explanation of copyright concerns or claims that I can find), but you can drag and drop images to your desktop/folder. Use wisely.
Anyway, for your upcoming handmade Christmas card collages, it’s something to think about.