Fun Friday Resources
/We’re just going to throw a bunch of stuff at you today.
At Publish This Email, you can do exactly that. Why? You can create disposable web pages, publish a list, share email newsletters, blog without blogging (?), archive email threads. I’m still trying to imagine how I would use it, but then I already have two blogs and a newsletter. You might find it more useful.
Ever needed a quick list of all the U.S. Presidents, or the plays of Shakespeare, or…? Head to CopyPasteList. If they don’t have the list you’re looking for, create it and submit it!
A week without a massive online library wouldn’t be a week, so here’s 10,000 cookbooks from the Internet Archive.
This is simplicity itself: a clock to which you can add cities from around the world in order to see time differences on the same clockface. (The list of cities is in the ‘hamburger’ menu in the upper left.)
If you’ve ever wished you could make a meme image real quick to post in a ludicrous internet fight, head over to You can upload your own photos, or choose from all the popular meme backgrounds. (The site has a couple of other useful tools.)
Finally, I thought this article over at Quartz on “How to Start Drawing” was a good fit for Lichtenbergianism: just do it, make it crap, just do it.
Hang in there, stay safe, and MAKE THE THING THAT IS NOT.