I got nothing.
/It’s true. I have no wisdom to impart, nor projects to update. Here’s why:
As Benevolent Placement Overlord™ of the Georgia burns, it is my job to take in all the placement requests from the theme camps, then draw the map (essentially creating a small village of ≈2,000 souls) and place those camps on the map as close to their heart’s desire as I can.
Placement registration closed ten days ago, and I’m still fielding requests for placement, plus ferreting out exactly what the Theme Camp Organizer (TCO) wanted when they asked for “the quiet zone, next to the Effigy”—since those two requests are mutually exclusive.
As I’ve said before, I don’t blog my process on this because just merest hint of a placement map is enough to send the hippies into paroxysms of anticipation and second-guessing.
Take for example this screenshot:
”It’ll be fine” is my running gag for Placement.
I posted this on Facebook just to show the hippies that work had begun. I deliberately said that all the squares were randomly sized and nowhere close to being placed, which should have been obvious.
They immediately went into paroxysms of anticipation and second-guessing. Many went straight into troll mode, complaining about being placed in the river (or not being placed in the river); newbies were sorely puzzled.
A day or two later I posted this screenshot:
Now, I told them, all the camps were the correct size, plus I added art. Villages/public squares were grouped. NOTHING WAS PLACED.
They immediately went into paroxysms of anticipation and second-guessing. Some asked why they couldn’t see their camp in the second map when they could in the first. (Google Maps is random in which items it shows the name of.)
So, no: I am not going to detail my working process on this blog. There’s drama enough in the burn community without my inviting more. Besides, that’s what the Sketchbook Project is for. You want to know how I did it? Head to the Brooklyn Art Library next spring. Or come to Alchemy and attend my lecture there. But here? Not a chance.