When in doubt...
/It happens in every creative person’s life that it seems that the well is dry: no music flows, words won’t come, the paint stays in the tube, the cocktail goes unmixed.
That’s where I am at the moment. Here are some things I “should” be doing:
stowing the last of the burn gear
starting work on a new jewelry box for my earring collection (my collection has outgrown the one I made a couple of years ago)
reset the bricks under the Dancing Faun sculpture in the labyrinth
begin the “additional art” project for the top of the fence (which involves no actual art on my part)
begin analyzing/planning for As You Like It (auditions Jan 26–27, Newnan Theatre Company)
compose at least one of the Ten Little Waltzes, dammit
Instead, I have cleaned off my desk, cat hair and all.
Behold. The Assistive Feline™ assists from the Alternate Cat Bed as hers goes through the wash.