Fun Friday Resources
/If you're ever out and about without your WASTE BOOK, you can still whip one up out of any piece of paper lying around:
(If you're out and about, you probably won't have scissors to make that cut; just tear it.)
Presto! Eight pages to scribble on, and it fits in the palm of your hand. (If you've used a blank piece of paper, you can flip it inside out for another eight pages.)
I used to use this little booklet idea to teach elementary students how to take notes or to write a story: faced with a blank sheet of paper, most of us freeze up, but who can't scribble eight sentences, one on a page?
Now I'm using it down at Backstreet Arts to help the adults there to overcome their fear of the ABORTIVE ATTEMPT: I made some booklets preprinted with prompts about their favorite toy. Easy to think about and easy to jot down non-threatening notes, all of which prompt other memories and other notes, leading straight into SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION.
I also used to teach the elementary kids some rudimentary pop-up book techniques. Here, have some:
- Extreme Papercrafting (tutorials)
- Best Pop-Up Books (step-by-step)
- Best Pop-Up Books (templates)
There are also quite a few nifty books on the topic. Here are the ones I own:
- The Elements of Pop-Up, Carter & Diaz — actual models of the techniques, i.e., a pop-up book about pop-ups
- Pop-O-Mania, Valenta — similar to Elements, but for kids; seems to be out of print
- The Pop-Up Book, Jackson — well-documented with both photos and diagrams
- Paper Engineering for pop-up books and cards, Hiner — thin little book with cut-out projects
There are a lot of similar books available at most craft stores; these mostly focus on making your own pop-up cards.
And here are two that I have which I don't think you were expecting:
Folding Patterns for Display & Publicity, Pepin Press
Take One, Withers
Both come with CD-ROMs of all the patterns, and the insides are wordless assembly diagrams. (Both seem to be out of print; Amazon had a copy of Folding Patterns for $191!)