Fun Friday Resources

Sometimes people can be obsessive, and sometimes obsessive people share their obsessions on the intertubes.  This can be a good thing. 

Click on it.  You can thank me later.

Click on it.  You can thank me later.

Behold, 78rpm Records Digitized by George Blood, L.P.

This is an incredible treasure trove of sound, music of all kinds, rescued from extinction and posted to the redoubtable  It's huge—I've been scrolling through it for days and keep finding treasures.

Yes, you can download the files.  Pro tip: the obsessives at George Blood, L.P. have recorded every song with four different styluses and then picked the "best" one.  That's the one at the top of the list with just the name of the song.  Unless you're an audiophile obsessive yourself, you can skip all the different versions.

Also, just in case you've never done it before... To download one of these sound files, look at the list of DOWNLOAD OPTIONSPick the file format you want to download.  (If you've never done this before, then MP3 is probably the one you want.)  Hover over the first file in the list, and a little download symbol appears.  Don't click on it—right-click on it and Save File As... to wherever you put these things.

I put them on the desktop, where I can then suck them up into iTunes and create an entire album out of them.

We all need new ways of TASK AVOIDANCE, and this is a great one.



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