Growing takes time
/One of the main ideas behind TASK AVOIDANCE is that things take time.
My beard, for example.
Here I am in a backstage selfie recently:
Two days after this shot, I had to shave my beard in order to portray Severus Snape at a Barnes & Noble book launch event for the new Harry Potter book:
l to r: Jennifer Schottstaedt, your author, Josh Marsh
I had not considered, when I agreed to do this thing as a favor, that I would have to shave, but I did it. What good is a bearded Snape? That's just dumb.
The problem is that I don't sprout facial hair quickly. I know men who do, and I know they would tell me not to envy them, but that's easy for them to say when they can produce a beard in a week.
Mine takes longer. Here I am one week after shaving:
Here's the lesson to be learned: your work takes time. No one just cranks up the word process or the keyboard or the easel and produces the work. (Except Mozart, and he doesn't count.)
Sometimes you just have to sit and wait for it to grow.