/In which I give you a refresher course in ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS while coining a new technical term: shinyperfect…
Read MoreIn which I give you a refresher course in ABORTIVE ATTEMPTS while coining a new technical term: shinyperfect…
Read MoreIn which I review my Lichtenbergian Proposed Efforts from 2021 and foolishly commit to more for 2022…
Read MoreIn which I give you a list of my favorite posts from this past year…
Read MoreIn which I share a brilliant poem by one of the members of the Lichtenbergian Society on the Annual Meeting discussion topic, The Net Effect of Art: Safety or Trap?…
Read MoreIn which I share an article wherein Helen Frankenthaler teaches us (me) a thing or two…
Read MoreIn which I give you MORE proof positive that the KING OF HEARTS FALLACY is a crock…
Read MoreIn which I recommend “The Coaching Habit” (Stanier) as a guide through the GESTALT process of your work…
Read MoreIn which I share some advice from artists you should know…
Read MoreWelcome to Lichtenbergianism, where you can find your creative energy through procrastination!
Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy is available from Amazon and independent booksellers.
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