Elsewhere and meanwhile
/In which I am astonished to find that not only have people read “Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy,” it has made a difference in their lives…
Read MoreIn which I am astonished to find that not only have people read “Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy,” it has made a difference in their lives…
Read MoreIn which I explicate the work of cellist Zoë Keating (@zoecello) as the apotheosis of SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION…
Read MoreIn which we compare a software guru’s tips on creativity to Lichtenbergianism…
Read MoreIn which I ask you to share my admiration for an incredible artist and human being…
Read MoreIn which I give you an assignment, using Lin-Manuel Miranda as an example…
Read MoreIn which I point you to an intriguing video of actors recreating the works of Caravaggio…
Read MoreIn which I share a difficult but necessary exercise to quiet your safety-brain (also some personal history)…
Read MoreIn which we comfort ourselves with the fact that even the greatest among us can’t do it right the first time…
Read MoreIn which we celebrate the vision of Kim Ramey, painter, artist, and friend...
Read MoreWelcome to Lichtenbergianism, where you can find your creative energy through procrastination!
Lichtenbergianism: procrastination as a creative strategy is available from Amazon and independent booksellers.
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